St.Petersburg Alexander von Humboldt Club was founded on the 16-th of May 1998, when the first meeting of Russian Humboldtians was held in this beautiful city.
The aim of the Club members activity is to fascilitate the cooperation between German and Russian scientists. The number of Humboldt Associations has yet again increased in 2004. All information about the Humboldt Associations is available on the homepage
We are honored to invite you to join us at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Conference
"Technologies of the 21st century: biological, physical, informational and social aspects"
Saint - Petersburg ( Russia ),
September 27-29, 2005 .
President of St.Petersburg AvH club:
Dr. Boris Krylov,
Deputy Director of Pavlov Institute of Physiology
Vice-President:Prof. Kornev
Secretary: Frau Ledentzova