(Head – E.I. Petrova)

Mainteinance of dogsIn the 1930s, with I. P. Pavlov's personal participation, three specialized buildings for the rearing of experimental dogs were designed and opened for use. On the basis of this vivarium, in the mid-1970s, the experimental-biological clinic was founded; in 1995, it merged with the Group of experimental-biological models to form the Department of laboratory husbandry. The main task of the Department is breeding and rearing of various laboratory animal species including seven rat lines, the population of monkeys (mainly rhesus macaques), which is the largest in Russia and in the northern Europe. The vivarium also contains dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits used by the Institute researchers for experimental studies. The Department staff carries out a genetical-selectional research with inbreed rat lines and with monkeys. Genetical, laboratory, and instrumental methods are used to monitor quality of the animals. A constant preventive and therapeutic activity is done to maintain health of the laboratory animals. Various surgical interventions are performed depending on the goals of research carried out at the Institute laboratories.

Mainteinance of rat lines Mainteinance of monkeys